Sunday, December 19, 2010

I might sing a WiriLeaks Tune. hablo does idiomas uno mejor

hablo dos idiomas uno mejor
que el otro, No it's not Spanglish.
Estaban alla en el Wiriwiri.
My Bowler's hat fits me so Far.
It is useful for spinnnnnning my Say, yo Soy
persona, valgo Igual por ser Indigena
del Poesia, a Platicatadora
con la Injusticia y la Indiferencia
del Planeto.  Oyes, gueyes, I am,
I am I am I am a Poet shamed
by Authority without Rhythmic Sense:
I begin with two and can learn Many
others. I might sing a WiriLeaks Tune.
As the Rooster crows, Why not I I I?

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