Wednesday, October 8, 2014


The Administration was finding that the more you allowed students to write at larger volumes the more profound their education. 

I was crazy for my student writers. They taught me more than my own teachers about going off the page. I read their papers with profound jealousy for the world that did not that could not know the pleasurable passion of these writings. I felt great pity and compassion that whatever nearby human being I passed in the store or the lane of the freeway, did not have what I had: access to the writings of my students. So, I could never -- was not able -- to betray that love by acquiescing to sex by my employers. I was also jealous of their writing as the focus that my pursuers had for me because I felt my soul was now equal to their writings, and that I, only I, had the right to that love.  I love my Students Jealously and I love their Writings Jealously.

This terrified the Administrators and Professors in a perturbingly irrational manner. Nothing would alert them to their own conduct. They lost their moral discernment.

I began a war of dissent and moral deprecation of the entire milieu and at times it included friends of friends or what have you, neighbors, everyone, all my human shields--as I had been a human shield for my students-- and my combatants. I would make them suffer as they had defamed me: in general, by random attack, in strategem with tactical efficacy, in eternal terms, in present tense, in hyperbole, I would appease the soul they tortured. 

Once they all agreed to reject the state law on sexual harassment training, the English professors began canceling and cutting the degree into easier requirements which most affected me and my students. We were working on original theses that would no longer be required or offered.  But more than that, these works were excoriated, made as though "illegal" by professors who voided state laws.

My War was Waged by my Enemy against my Entropy. Soon magnitude was just a square away. There is no secret to success but doing it. Which can only come once in a Lifetime. Hate is UnderRated my friends, it is a Powerful Passionate Agent and it is never Sated. I try to Forgive but... ah... then I FOrget.

In fact, these are emotions long placed aside for the purpose of which is the following: to admonish and to teach, to instruct and to illustrate.

At Once they all agreed to reject the state law on sexual harassment training, I was raw meat in a shark's mouth. 

While this did not stop us, and my students and I continued what we did, whether or not there was "credit" for it, the attacks would continue. The censorship was enforced overall and by increasing degrees, would eventually be administered within the very courses themselves and against my research by procedures including faculty votes and faculty rumors.

I had a look of terrific outrage on my face as the Dean told the faculty that though the state law required it he would not enforce the requirements for sexual harassment training. All of those who agreed, including everyone, should sign the sheet in agreement.

The Professors agreed to break the law together and I would bear that weight alone on me as the living example of what happens to they who refuse to break a law designed to protect me and others, my student writers.

I overreacted in moments. Due to an alarm my son who had been at a party that later turned out to be a CIA academic writing on the arming and organizing of narcotics cartels, 

I quickly defriended and broke ties with mutual acquaintances which affected things at home. 

I overreact to the Gov when it comes to the Kids. 

Otherwise I laugh in its Orifice!

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