Monday, March 7, 2011

A Chimera of Kings: Femicidic Apologist

Killing Joyce day by day
year by year
the "creative" Professor
is crafty. Why else
would he be so Endeared
to his Counter-Vices
and Perverses
Head Love Fests?

A Smaller and Smaller
Resistance Wound Round
Spinning a Web
to the Evil Evidences

Did Joyce love his People, his DuB Liner Peeps?

He Hated All of That Politics.
James would Never Approve
of Identities
(He Hated that TOO!)
Professor of Hateness
to himSelf converted
to Science
Half Animal Half Machine:
A Chimera of Kings

WHen the Mechistas Get Here: La Veterana

When the MEChistas Get Here
Then we’ll be Talking.
The Centers will Lose funding
They might! We represent
a Savings yet they Value
us for our Silk, Suave hair
styles, Saints forsaken
and Repossessed.

Chuquito que te Pasa
das Tantas Vueltas
en un Hilo de Cariño
a cada Una de las Rucas?
Me vale saber como
te defiendes llegando
a la Casa. Ya Estufas c/s

It’s not about ThAT
Pendejos gringos
With there “This”
And “That”
No one Wants
A Sale
In your Hoods
Or Showtimes.

He better stay
Away from Me
That’s all I have
To say

It’s MECha
Ya Estufas

Valso Ni Siquiera,

A Dream Amendment of Freedom of Ideas by Poetic Shield and Poetic Sword! c/s

Red High Alert? Sure like the District
Montmarte how I miss You from those Days
when Irks were so Sweet yet not the Muse
who Soupault followed a NIght in Paris...
It is She! a Verse become Militant Love
by Poetic Arms to Accuse. J'accuse!
Their Dream my Nightmare my Dream
Their NIghtmare. It is all Equal Zero.
A Zero with no End in Sight to Times
to Times Rein of a Gallup  in Meter.
A Creed for TITLE 7 Heroics!
Las Sieta Leguas el Seis de Octubre.
I say that this Paper once Read is Ore
(Gold: Au: Autism) Who tore it from Me
matters Not for its Redeemed in Flowers
of Youth Bent by Forbidden Dreams to Live
against the Bullet of Time, LET THEM GO!
Between the FIrst and the Second, a New
Amendment of Freedom of Ideas
by Poetic Shield and Poetic Sword. c/s

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Prime Time Verse Open Mike for Saying whatever You Like

An Inversal structure Appears
As True as well as or Authentic.
(the kidn with Feathers? Ugh! Yuck? OMG!)
What will I say when at the Association
I must Present the Demographics?
They will take me as Weak when Weak I’m Not.
(I still have a Penis. –That’s True.  Me too)
But it’s Getting Complicated a Lil.
“Is it that Idiot Whore Puta VZVZVZVZVZ?”
Eyegina of Need of a Large Nappy
--enough to Be Plied between the Big Mouth
Cunt worthless of Power and Retarded.
Narrator step Aside. It’s Prime Time Verse
Open Mike for Saying whatever You Like.

Dulclinea Writes Back: the Knight of La Mancha to Whom she has Submitted a Summons by Scribec/s.rtf

Pronounced and copied in duplicate Keys
of Eight with some Disconcerting Others
who put Replace Silence for Truth and Meter.
Concupiscence undesired Away!
I will take you Away yawA your Child
Has become my Concern.  He’s not Your’s!
Oh yes you will and you Know what I mean!
Sappho was initiated. Thine Eyes
Have Seen the Shame of your Mother played Twice
Again and Three Times Over.  Iambic?
Wait a Minute.  I know some Newer Verse.
I can Learn it were it Learning of Mine
that was Lacking. Still, the Scholastic Muse
with Rennaissance Balance now Understood.
Yes! Pao Casals Afterall In Between:
The sorrows of Our People lay Within
Marble Excessive as Insufficient:
Mediocrity of Manner, Combat
with Dulcinea a Chastity Far
and Wide was it Commented by His
Glory, the Knight of La Mancha to Whom
Dulcinea has Announced a Summons Alors!

Invoking African Muses: Poetic Justice at War

When Levi-Strauss tried to Explain,
The Wogs could never get it Straight.
Certain ones appeared never to wish
to Comprehend ambiguity, poor
Students were these with Unusual
Inclinations for the Gathering Bones.
Created False Enemies Abound
Under Each Skirt: Vaginal lanigaV
Will Swallow us! We Must Get Our Mandate
from Business so Buy Buy we Do at Cut
Rate all our Mexican Ass and Studies
of Cockroaches can’t Stray Off Track. Wants It?
Does she Ever! She’s Been Wanting Me Since
I gave her a Chance at a Job she’s No
Good For. It’s Time Up for Collateral
of Persecuted women Knifed at one
Inch of Resistance~~ Get her Off Campus!~~
“This will be Easy, no Problem.  Rest Up—
how about that Cup of Coffee you Said
we might have last Decade? No Buddy? “Nah.”

Via another Corridor and Coctogon
of WogHall Sexual Fluiditis Ness
lurks, an ANthropollywog who loves Bones
Who Loves dem Bones Who Loves dem Bones who Does
to perform various forms of measure-
ments. Obsessed with Sex Organs
for example, Torture, Water Boarding,
and Pieces of Thought all Drained
of its Portent in search of Meanings
Pre-determined, Falsified, Encoded
in the Touch-Lust of Bone Carving and Dust.
The Laurels are pursued as Evidence!
And Philosophy as Ethnic History
if taught by an Indian or a Cockroach.
Otherwise we group Knowledge by Science,
Neurological which we Hate just as Much
as we Love. “I’d love to Snatch that Book
from her Hand.” Caution: Autistic c/s

Wind Up Animus Wind Up EdithTide!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Spin Spun into Fibers of Infinite Verses and Meters. A Wick and Oil

The Death Doctors of Knowledge are cooking
up Dreams, Slicing them Open Unsacred,
dehearsed and Damned Straight to Devilish
Highway, No-God Territory Rettoned
as a Butterfly Upon a Wooden
Splinter, it Sits Without Diffficulty,
A Music Deep Within Abides with Masks
preferred by the Mortals and Masters, Toms
of TapDancing Polyrhythmically Bare
I become what they Detest with Reason,
A Shrew with a Volatile Wick, Oils,
and Bruises, Pricks embossed with Purpose
Intended to Break the Eggshell Spin Spun
into Fibers of Infinite Verses and Meters.

Try not to be too clueless when you describe the instrument as "untuned."

stlivermore 2 years ago

  • Try not to be too clueless when you describe the instrument as "untuned." As one commenter mentioned, it is not even-tempered on purpose to reflect Bach's style (e.g., "well-tempered"). There is no such thing as "absolute intonation" and musicians are free to play flat or sharp depending on what they want to accomplish. For example, tuning a violin sharp almost always makes it sound better, which is why the solo violinists tune to the sharp side.
  • aimson: I don't like the sound of this recording. If you listen to mostly all Casals recordings of the Bach Suites I think you will discover that Casals did not subscribe to the tuning commonly known as 'just intonation' I think, and which it pleases me to refer to, jokingly, as untuned. Please don't report this to the thought police, in any event. Deal?

Freedom Must We Write All Day and Night?

Freedom must it be Day and Night without
End with Each Tail becoming a Head
birthed Anew in the Old Flames of deathly
Ideas and consequence?Woe to the Free
People and their Desires, their Schools
and their Pyres will find Peace at Last
just to SUbstantiate and Regale its Quashing.

Choice in Mating is best Consensual!:Ode to Dislike of my Rages

Torturer's Mentality ya Estufas!
He covered my Head while he Invaded my
Home, Me, my Children for Service
of Prime Examples of Forced Slavery
of Mind, of Spirit, of Consequences.
And still and all I've got my Name, Edith
as New as the First Day I was Born, FReeRF
to be as Weird as I like to Pretend I am,
for I'm the Teacher and you You are the
Grand Finale. Don't you see This is Perfect
means by which I might be a Normal Word,
among Minds of Range and Youth and Rent
up Superstitions, Isms of Hate and Rage, Rape
of Women. What more can I say but Darwin
knew well: Choice in Mating is best Consensual!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Rebels to my Rhymes Taste of Appetites: Koch a Koockle Koup

Moderns passed Over for Style
Left without an Answer Inspired
Of Insipid and Infertile Molds Ode
to Poetic Truth which has Conspired
In every Heath and Hate, a Pilgrimage.
Modus without Charms and without Sanction
noncompelled to Profess favor of Worth
sans  a Dictator and without Diction!
That without mass is is mass without That.

You thought I was Passionate unK3ool
Mexican Call Girl back then When Students
for whom I cared a Great Deal, made Tepid
Fires of a Swan once Silenced then Shriek.

3 koch a koockle koup

From Token to Cucarachita: Toward a Cockroach Inspection of Particles of Paper

There was Once as Bobby Byrd Told it Well
gone in that Direction of Time. Joe Hayes
the StoryTeller  of Legends Said it...
Told Me: You are a Token?  That Dance Known
to me was One I Fulfill to Defy
as an Extraneous Quest to the Aim
principal: Be a FreeeerF, Harmonize
my Individual Commitments: Self Worth
has no Pricetag to we as I who Pass
as Retard, Nymph, Innocent, and Small Chick.
This Woman is a Bad Dude Within Femme
Prerogatives of the Kind who Elect Lesbian
Laurels Chaste, Disciplined, Procured.
You thought my Touch was as Soft
as my Voice. My Bark a False Bite? Now What?
Just FYI don't take my Heart as Soft
anymore. These Scars will ALways ensure
that: Let them STrike as when Struck
on Edith, a Soft Child in Bobby Byrds'
remarkable tome, "And It's Still That Way"
with Love Affirmed for Georgiana
Valoyce-Sanchez, a Chumash Elder
who Sings through the Heart's
Panflute a Song of a Sweet Girl
never Again is it Her name, Signed
in the Flames of a Hot Flash of Peri-Menopause.
What next with this FOrecast, What Next?
I leave that to the Others to Arrange
as must be their Purpose no Longer
of my Singular Dramatic Monologue:
I represent the Cockroaches, Soy
La Cucaracha Martina que presume ser
formada al Idea del Doctor Martin.

Reversal of Times: Why Latins are Sexualized

Why Latins are Sexualized Even B.
Williams was Put to that Axe, a Lover,
a Puto, a Whore, a Mexican at one Step,
a Half-Peon...and Quite a bit Elegant--
who is this Threat to my Husband? His
Daughter or Hers, gets a Lot of Attention
for her Civility and Wit, her Warmth
and Chaste Figure:  Kill it WIth Love
of a Brother? Oh Bill! Get that OUT
of Your Head, you Soft-Headed Boy--
you are Mine to Keep Baby Doll, my Will
to the Last and my Husband. All is Well
by Accords. But Peace is Due, Yes C'est
La Puta de Palabra la que yo Nunca Fui
ni Debil Frente a tu PatriarKKKa,
Apestoso que si Hitler nunca Tuvo
Linea Y se Acabo a Esa Cobarderia
Inhumano Genocididito Bobo sin
Ninguna Chanza a Encontrar la
Causa de su Orgullo Sera Mi
Resistencia Hecho Mierda de
verdad con los Historiadores
de Falsas Papeles...SOn Esos
los Ilegales los Putos y Nazi HA HA!

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Dejeenlo que se olvide me querer y dejarme
Que me muera con mi pena y my orgullo
Ser Mujer que escucha a Alicia, a Lila, a Lorna.
Latinas, what are we if not a Revolving Muse
who’ve inspired a War to Change the World
according to Humanitarian Feminism.
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah  I’m Comfortable with my
Charms, my Intersectional Analysis, a Ring
or Not on my Finger, a passion for Books,
Books, Books….I love to Read and to Think
and to be Free. If I were Dulcinea to a Fool
like my Don Quixote I was too the Teller
of not One Thousand but Infinitesimally
Intricate….A Machine of Words? Small
Stature of Momentous Forces, a Filigree
as of Lace, built in Black Oil forged and with
Feathers…A Changling am I that Observes
My Mistaken Birth, Dr. Asperger, you Know
My Name: I’m Autism Unveiled. Rhythms
of Life are set to my Specifications: Flower
Powder I inhaled, a GoldenSeal Tea, Sí Mami
me lo tome como Usted me Dijo que lo hiciera.
Ahora espero con Ansias que regresaramos
A Platicar de tu Vida, Mamá y de Mis ancestors.
Por favor que se Callen los Silencios de Siempre.
Nada que me contaran de Usted lo Creera
Una Mujer protégé a Su Dignidad y la Matan.

Monday, January 31, 2011

The Double Bind No Win Situation of Verse in Suppressionand as long as I can write a Sonnet.

it Sounds like it would Not wish to Appear,
a Verse in Suppression--its Eyes will Bulge
too...But release it Not for the Venoms
of youth are Potent. Secure our Borders,
man the meanings, Discard the evidence
of bias and violations, misuse,
defamation...Classify as New Coloreds,
"Keep it within the Locked Doors its Serious.
you will come to see How when I reveal
It....THese are Provisional and just for
our discussion." Verse responds no Reason
for becoming Anxious. Ya estufas y Que!
That's Not gonna last in my Neighborhood
and as long as I can write a Sonnet.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

And then there are the Gentlemen of Letters like Francisco y Zeta

In them you hear a brother not exactly
like your own, but Similar, is that
not my language too? Yes, said 
the Hermanos de poesîa, Welcome,
sister. Whateva I have, its Yours
if you want it--Consensual
Affections, I'm down with That,
I don't use Force in Seduction.
He's Gay, Lyrical, Dead or Alive:
a Gentleman of Letters is known
by his Conduct and Imagination.
So False is the Scholar who is a
sexual harasser or Rapist.
A Poet works in Truths,
imitated, evoked, or Impossible.

My Words are Sorcerers

My words are Sorceres
to those who Hate Truth,
dignity of Beauty,
Love of all the Gente.
Love of my Mother
and my Father, son
Angeles de un Culto
de Queridos Seres
sin Poder y humildes
Buena Gente de Atiro
that's why Evil must
Counter Good which
Will Prevail in Sure
Time. Not even an
eon can obstruct it
Powerless People
you are the Grace
of a God some may
Claim they obey
when they Curse
you your Fate.

Tristeza Amable: Kind Sadness to My Literary Sisterhood

Tristeza Amable: Kind Sadness
Your merciful Graces I've known
many Nights of Torrents
those Waters of the Brain,
Angustia in her Countenance,
heroine Madre de las Sirenillas
menores a la Altura Suya.
Nos soN canciones pero Algo
Aparte, la Arte de una Pestana Palabra
llena de Luto por su Estilo, su Ser.
Prtegenenle mientras que esta Ausente.
Las Jaulas tienen un Tipo de Alegria,
I have my Poets, Emily and Her Heirs,
Sor Juana, Lorna Dee Cervanntes.